Nutella is undoubtedly the favourite spread for most children, but also for adults. But its consumption is no longer highly recommended. Nowadays, many organic spreads are available in organic shops, organic online stores or in chocolate shops to replace Nutella.

Is Nutella dangerous to health?

Nutella spread is very popular with children as it is creamy and delicious. However, the composition of Nutella is dangerous to health. We tend to limit ourselves to good quality chocolate and hazelnuts. But in reality, Nutella contains only 7% cocoa. It should therefore be noted that this product is mainly based on sugar. One jar of Nutella contains 55% sugar. There is also 20% palm oil and 13% hazelnuts only, as well as 8% milk powder. It is also important to note that Nutella contains a harmful phthalate that has an impact on human sterility. This is why it is recommended to stop consuming Nutella and switch to organic spreads.

Organic spreads to forget about Nutella

To replace Nutella, many spreads are now available on the organic market. All you need to know is that a certified organic spread is 100% natural and contains no chemicals. Palm oil is replaced by organic rapeseed, sunflower or copra oil. Its production up to packaging must respect the environment. Its formulation does not include ingredients of animal origin. An artisanal recipe based on organic hazelnuts and cocoa can be found. The taste and composition may vary from one organic spread to another. Indeed, some products are made gluten-free while others have a vanilla or caramel scent. Today, all organic spreads have a creamy texture. They are also delicious, easy to spread and the hazelnuts are very crispy. Their taste is closer to that of the famous Nutella. Before buying an organic spread, you should always check its formula and organic certification.

How to make your own homemade organic spread

Apart from the many choices of organic spreads in organic shops, you can also make your own organic spread at home. To do so, you will have to put 100 grams of chocolate in a bain-marie to obtain melted chocolate. Then just mix it with 30 grams of cocoa, 50 grams of hazelnut powder, 100 ml of almond milk and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. All this has to be blended in a deep bowl with a hand blender. It should then be put in a jar and eaten within 8 days of preparation.